Community Outreach
The Exchange Club of Augusta was established on August 8, 1923. In October of that year, the club sponsored its first Exchange Club Fair. Since that time, the Exchange Club Fair, now known as the Georgia-Carolina State Fair, has been an annual event sponsored by the Club for the purpose of raising funds to be donated to well deserving charities throughout our Community.
During these years, good and bad times have been endured by the Club. Sponsoring a Fall Fair is risky business in that the weather can greatly affect the revenues of the fair. Without these revenues, The Exchange Club of Augusta would be unable to donate the funds that it does to the various charities throughout the community. Realizing this, The Exchange Club of Augusta established the The Exchange Club of Augusta Charity Fund.
The The Exchange Club of Augusta Charity Fund insures the future ability of the Exchange Club of Augusta to donate generously to the community. This fund is designed to withstand years of decreased Fair revenues which could be caused by a variety of reasons.
This tax-exempt organization is operated by persons who function independently from the operation of the Exchange Club itself. The donations from the Fund are made to tax-exempt charities in the Augusta area.
Tax Exempt Donations should be made payable to the The Exchange Club of Augusta Charity Fund, Inc., and mailed to the below address.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3884;
Augusta, Ga. 30914-3884.
2024 Donation
Each year The Exchange Club of Augusta is proud to award the proceeds from the Georgia Carolina State Fair and the Augusta Charity Classic Golf Tournament back into our community. The donations are granted at our annual Donations Meeting and Community Partner Recognition and Media Sponsor Appreciation Luncheon. Representatives from the charity organizations are on hand to accept their donations.
Each year the amount well exceeds $130,000. In addition, one charity receives the Ronnie Strength Award selected by the current Sheriff. The recipient is unaware until the announcement by the Sheriff. The Exchange Club of Augusta is proud of the contribution they are making to this community. We are also grateful to our Community Partners, Sponsors, and Media involvement.
Youth of the Month/Year
The Youth of the Month / Year is an award presented to those high school seniors who have demonstrated exceptional achievement and leadership in the areas of Academics, School Organizations, and Community Service. Academics is based on Grade Point Average. School Organization participation includes Student Government, Musical Organizations, Debate Teams, Stage Productions, and Athletics.
- Community service includes volunteer work the students have done for Community Service Organizations such as The Red Cross, Hospital Volunteer Organizations, Benevolence Organizations, etc.
- Students are also graded on Special Achievements/Awards that they have received on the local, state and national level.
- Each student is required to write an essay on a subject that is selected by the National Exchange Club which they are also graded on.
- Points are awarded for each of the above categories to determine the winner of the Youth of the Month award.
- The Exchange Club of Augusta solicits candidates from each of the high schools in both Richmond and Columbia Counties. A winner is selected as Youth of the Month from each of the schools participating. From these winners, the Youth of the Year is selected.
- Each Youth of the Month is awarded a plaque and $100 in cash. The Youth of the Year is awarded a plaque and $350 in cash and represents the Club at the District and National levels where additional Scholarship Funds are awarded to the winner.
Best of luck to all of these deserving young people in their future endeavors.

Pictured left to right are: Size Sizemore, 2024 Youth Of The Year – Ava Bai, and Exchange Club Of Augusta President, Mike Downing.
2024 Youth of the Year
Ava Bai -Davidson Fine Art School
The annual Augusta Exchange Club Youth of the Year Awards Luncheon was held on Thursday, May 2nd at the Augusta Country Club on Milledge Road. The Youth of the Year Award recognizes outstanding high-school seniors in our community for superior academic achievement and leadership. This year twelve students from area schools were recognized.
This year’s top award went to Ava Bai of Davidson Fine Art School. Ava is now eligible to compete for the National Youth Of The Year award and a $15,000 scholarship.
The Exchange Club of Augusta is very proud to recognize these seniors and wishes them continued success.
Accepting the Challenge of Excellence
The A.C.E. award recognizes high school students who have made a dramatic change in their attitude and performance sometime during their high school years, and are now eligible for high school graduation. These “at risk” students have often ovecome great physical, emotional and social obstacles, yet few receive recognition.
This is a positive program with two key objectives. First, it helps encourage students to overcome their hardships and get back on track toward a high school diploma. Second, the award recognizes those students who are often overlooked for their accomplishments. This special recognition serves as a powerful example to all students that hard work and perseverance really do pay.
Child Abuse Prevention
The primary focus of the National Exchange Club, of which the Exchange Club of Augusta is part, is the PREVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE. Every year Child Protective Service agencies investigate more that 3.25 million reports of child abuse and neglect. Child abuse can come in the form of physical, emotional, sexual or just plain neglect. The Exchange Club of Augusta is proud to be involved in this National Program of Service on the local level. The majority of contributions by the Exchange Club of Augusta to charitable organizatons go to agencies directly or indirectly related to the Prevention of Child Abuse.
Golden Deeds Award
Book of Golden Deeds
Volunteer efforts are very important to our society and should not go unnoticed. The National Exchange Club’s longest running project, the Book of Golden Deeds Award, recognizes dedicated volunteers who give endless hours of their time and talents toward making their communities better places to live. Ever since the Exchange Club of Huntington, Ind., sponsored the first award in 1919, thousands of unsung heroes and heroines have been recognized.
Honoring a fellow citizen with the Book of Golden Deeds Award is a heartwarming and inspiring act not only for the honoree, but for any Exchange Club. The Book of Golden Deeds Award exemplifies The National Exchange Club’s beliefs.
Other Community Service
New US Citizens Reception
Veterans Hospital Christmas
Child Abuse Prevention
If you have any query, please contact us.
We are here to help you.
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All Rights Reserved.
Call Us: (706) 722-0202