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Mission Statement:

The Exchange Club of Augusta is a close fellowship of civic leaders dedicated to making our community a better place to live through our Annual Agricultural Fair and other community service opportunities.

Exchange Club Values:

  • We are a unique membership united for a common purpose.
  • We will always emphasize fellowship and citizenship.
  • We will be good stewards.
  • We will exert our best efforts enthusiastically.
  • We will always provide good, clean, family fun and entertainment.

Our Goal

The Exchange Club of Augusta was formed in 1923 when a group of individuals had the desire to utilize their time in ways which they could collectively benefit their community.

The primary focus was to “accomplish something worthwhile for our city, our state, and our country…. We want to help the boys and girls of Augusta and the delinquent and neglected child.”

In order to reach the goals which they established in that year (1923), they organized an agricultural fair for the City of Augusta. The fair was introduced with a huge parade on Broad Street. It ran for seven days, generated some money, and immediately distributed those funds to charities in the community. Everyone had a great time and the entire community benefited, especially the youth in the area. This is the continued focus of The Exchange Club of Augusta.

2024 New Members

New Members

The Exchange Club of Augusta is proud to announce the 2024 new members. We welcomed them during the Club’s meeting on Thursday, May 23, 2024. WELCOME GENTLEMEN – We are glad to have you!

New Exchange Club Members

2023 Miss Georgia Carolina State Fair

Miss Grayson Bailey Brackett was crowned the 2023 Miss Georgia Carolina State Fair on Saturday, October 21st.

Miss Brackett will go on to compete in the Georgia Association of Agricultural Fairs Beauty Pageant in  January of 2024.

Congratulations to our winners and all those who competed.


The new Miss Georgia-Carolina State Fair, Miss Grayson Bailey Brackett, is pictured with Exchange Club of Augusta’s President – Steve Farmer.

Congratulations to Miss Georgia Carolina State Fair, Carson Bailey Brackett competed in the Georgia/South Carolina Association of Fairs pageant Saturday, January 27th, and was second runner-up. Thank you Carson for representing The Georgia-Carolina State Fair so well.  We are so proud of you!

Miss GCSF 2023

If you have any query, please contact us.

We are here to help you.

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All Rights Reserved.